Pistols and Skin the Cat Warm-Up Animal Walks Mobilität 3 Rounds 1 Slow TGU each side (10Sek up, 10Sek down) 10 Slow Wall Facing Squats Technik 8-12 Sets 1-3 Skin the Cat (scaling: Knees to elbows, Knee raises) 5-10 Pistols (scaling: box pistols, supported pistols,…
Kettlebell Clean and Press Warm-Up 2km Row with partner Partner A) Row Partner B) 10 WallBall Mobilität 2 Rounds: 10 Shoulder Dislocates 10 Banded Pull Aparts 2x5 Worlds Greatest Stretch Technik KB Clean and Press WOD 2 Rounds of AMRAP 5 (Rest 2min between Rounds)…
Snatch Warm-Up 3 Rounds (for Quality)20 Air Squats15 (single leg) hip Bridge10 walk outs5 Burpees Mobilität Deep Squat ProgressionShoulder Mobility Technik Snatch Grip DLSnatch pullmuscle SnatchOverhead SquatPower SnatchFull Snatch Zwischenübung 1 Tabata Slamball Around the head WOD AMRAP 1020 m Farmers Carry (dumbell)15 (single/double DB)…
Assault Bike Warm-Up 100 cal Assault Bike mit Partner Partner A) Assault Bike Partner B) 10 Burpees then switch Mobilität shoulder dislocates Lizard into worlds greatest stretch Technik EMOM8 (work for 40 sec) 1) Standwaage 2) Strict KB Press WOD EMOM25 1) 12/9 cal Assault…
Mixed Workout Warm-Up Animal Walks Mobilität im Warm-U enthalten Technik EMOM 8 (work for 40 sec)1) Dead bug, with the arm and leg poining to the ceiling hold a Medball2) one arm overhead lunges with Medball WOD 5 rds for time (TC30)20 cal row10 Wall…
Mixed Workout Warm-Up 3 Rounds (40/20)- Row- Inch worm- Band pull apart Mobilität Shoulder Mobility Technik Pull Up,Kipping,Kettlebell Swing WOD EMOM 30'- Min 1: 5 Pull Up/ 15 Ring Row- Min 2: 15/12 Cal row- Min 3: 20 Kettlebell Swing 24/16- Min 4: 15 Burpees-…
Deadlift Warm-Up 5 Rounds 10 Wall Facing Squats10 Wallballs Mobilität 2 Rounds:10 Scapular PullUps10 Scapula PushUps5 Worlds Greatest Stretch Technik E3MOM 24 (Deadlift building, 5RM)5 Deadlift10 RingRows Zwischenübung 1 TabataHollow Rocks/ Hollow Holds/ Dead Bugs WOD 21 - 15 - 9 (TC 12)70% of Deadlift…
kipping Warm-Up 3 Rounds For Quality10 Overhead Squat10 push ups10 sit ups10 commando Plank Mobilität Shoulder/Core Mobility Technik EMOM 211) 4-5 kip Swings2) 10 sit ups3) 3 Pull ups Zwischenübung 1 Tabataseitliche Rotation: MedBall an die Wand seitlich werfen ( auf brusthöhe ) WOD For…
OHS Warm-Up 2 Rounds: 20 Box Step Ups 15 Push Ups 10 Burpees 5 Scapula Pull Ups Mobilität Overhead Mobility Technik E3MOM 15 1 Snatch Balance 2 OHS Zwischenübung 1 Tabata: Dead Hang WOD 5 RFT 12 Slam Ball Deadlift 9 Slam Ball Cleans 6…
Rope Climbs Warm-Up 2 rds: - 10 lunges - 10 push ups - 10 ring rows - 10 inch worms - 20 Single Unders Mobilität Shoulder Dislocates Handgelenke Lizard mit aufrechten Oberkörper für 20 sec. dann into worlds greatest stretch Technik Technik Rope Climbs 1.…