Deadlift Warm-Up 3 Rounds10 Air Squats10 Inch Worms10 Russian Twist Mobilität Deep Squat Progression Technik E3MOM 1510 x Back Squat Zwischenübung 1 Tabata- Heel Tip- Bicycle Crunch WOD For Time (TC 15)100 Deadlift 100/70 kgeach break 30/20 Cal row Cool Down Static Stretch Keine Kommentare…
Push Press / Jerk Warm-Up 3 Rounds10 Dumbell Deadlift10 Dumbell Row10 Dumbell Press20m Dumbell Overhead Carry Mobilität Shoulder DislocatesClean Rack Position Stretch Technik Push Press / Jerk (bis 5RM) Zwischenübung 1 E2MOM 14 (with 5 RM3 Push Press (Hold Overhead Position for 5 Seconds) WOD…
Squats Warm-Up 3 Rounds10 KB Single Leg Deadlift10 Goblet Squats5 KB One Arm (Push) Press5 KB Wind Mills Mobilität Deep Squat ProgressionShoulder Mobility Technik E3MOM 1510 Overhead Squats WOD AMRAP 159 Front Squats (70/50kg)12 Push Ups15 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg) Cool Down Static Stretch Keine Kommentare…
Deadlift Warm-Up 3 Rounds 15 KB Deadlift 10 Rows 10 KB Single Leg Deadlift 10 Goblet Squats Mobilität Lower back & Hamstrings Technik E3MOM 12 10 Deadlifts Zwischenübung 1 Tabata Hollow Rocks Superman Rocks WOD AMRAP 15 2 burpee pull ups 2 KB Goblet Squats…
Handstand Warm-Up Animal Walks Mobilität Shoulder Technik Je nach Fährigkeiten: -Wall Handstand -Banded Handstand Balance -Banded Handstand -Banded Handstand PushUp Zwischenübung 1 EMOM10 1x Wall walk into 8x shoulder taps into 4x hip taps WOD For Time (TC8) 21-15-9 Cal Row TTB (high knees) Cool…
Open 20.1 Warm-Up Row to Target Mobilität 2 Rounds: - 8 I-Raises - 8 Y-Raises - 2x5 Worlds Greatest Stretch Technik Row Technik Zwischenübung 1 Row 100m for time (5 rounds) Zwischenübung 2 Tabata SitUp WOD Open 20.1 (TC 15) 10 Rounds for Time 8…
Open 11.5 Warm-Up starte mit Mobilität Mobilität - Deep Squat Progression - Clean Rack Position Stretch Technik Power Clean WOD Open 11.5 AMRAP 20 - 5 Power Cleans (145/100 lb) - 10 Toes to Bar - 15 Wall Balls (20/14 lb) Cool Down static stretch…
Row Erg Warm-Up Row to Target Mobilität 2 Rounds: - 8 I-Raises - 8 Y-Raises - 2x5 Worlds Greatest Stretch Technik Overhead Squat WOD AMRAP 25 - 500m Rowerg - 10 Overhead Squat - 10 Snatch Grip Press - 10 SitUps Cool Down static stretch…
Warm-Up Row 500m100 Single UndersRow 500m Mobilität Deep Squat ProgressionShoulder Mobility WOD EMOM 4010 burpees20 kettlbebell swings15 Kettlbebell Goblet Squats10 DB Thruster12 Box Jumps20 Kettlebell Reverse lunges30s Hollow HoldRest Cool Down Static Stretch Keine Kommentare on Workout 17.09.21 Schreib einen Kommentar Abbrechen Logged in as…
Warm-Up Row to Target Mobilität Shoulder DislocatesScalpular pull ups and push ups5x worlds greatest stretch each side Technik EMOM10 (30 sec on, 30 sec off)- odd: schwimmer- even: dead bug with medball Zwischenübung 1 Tabatabulgarian split squats WOD 5 rounds for time (TC20)- row 400…