Row Warm-Up 2 Rounds 10 Hollow Rocks 8 lunges 6 Burpees 4 Sit ups 2 Squats Mobilität Hüfte Schulter Technik Row WOD 4 Rounds for time 20/18 cal Row/bike 12 DB Deadlift 9 DB hang Power Clean 6 DB Shoulder to Overhead 20 Wallballs 6/9kg…
Double Under Warm-Up 2 Rounds15 cal row15 Jumping Jacks5 Inch Worms Mobilität WristAnkleCalves Technik Double Under Practice WOD For Time: TC 40100-80-60-40-20Air SquatsMountain ClimbersDouble Under*every 2 min 5 burpees Cool Down Static Stretch Navigation Home kurse MedXFit Kontakt Über Uns Partner The CrossFIt Journal Impressum…
Double Dumbbell Push Press Warm-Up With a PartnerA) Row for CalsB) 1 Turkish get up each side with DB, then switchuntil they have 100 cals together Mobilität ShoulderWrist Technik Practice double DB push press Zwischenübung 1 Tabata 1) Bicycle Crunch2) Plank WOD With a Partner:For…
Toes To BAr Warm-Up 2 Rounds10 Bird dogs10 Sit ups10 Walking Burpees10 crunches Technik Toes to BarHollow Arch intoKipping intoToes to Bar WOD with your BuddyFor Time60 cal row50 Burpees40 Box jumps30 slam ball over shoulder20 t2b/Knee to chest10 Thruster Cool Down Static Stretch Navigation…
Squats Warm-Up TabataRNT Split SquatsWall Angel WOD AMRAP 1250 SU30 Air Squats10 Double KB Deadlift Cool Down static stretch Navigation Home kurse MedXFit Kontakt Über Uns Partner The CrossFIt Journal Impressum © Crossfit Kokoromilitary Crossfit AffiliationUniversität der Bundeswehr MünchenWerner-Heisenberg-Weg 39,85579 Neubiberg Get Connected Instagram Envelope
Open 18.1 Warm-Up 3 Runden- 200 m laufen- 15 AirSquat- 5 PushUp Technik Spezifisches Warm-Up und Technik WOD Open 18.1AMRAP 208 toes-to-bars10 dumbbell hang clean and jerks (22,5/15 kg)14-cal. row Cool Down static stretch Navigation Home kurse MedXFit Kontakt Über Uns Partner The CrossFIt Journal…
Back to Basics Warm-Up Row/Assault 4 minutes Technik Basis-Training- AirSquat- PVC Strict Press- Dumbbell Strict Press- Push Up WOD AMRAP 14- 15 AirSquat- 10 Dumbell Strict Press (15/10)- 5 Push Ups Cool Down static stretch Navigation Home kurse MedXFit Kontakt Über Uns Partner The CrossFIt…
Thruster Warm-Up 2 Rounds - 10 Clean Grip Deadlifts- 10 Clean Grip HighPulls- 10 Clean Grip Press- 10 Front Rack Lunges- 10 Front Squats Mobilität - Deep Squat Progression- Clean Rack Position Stretch Technik E2MOM 20 5Rep Thruster (Hold bottom position of squat and overhead…
Kettlebell Warm-Up 5/5 Turkish get up5/5 the world greatest stretch2 rounds bear crawl10 sit ups10 walking burpees Mobilität Full Body Mobi WOD Death by GobletSet 1 TC 7:30min20 goblet Squat10 Burpees5 Roundsinto Set 2 TC 7:3020 goblet lunges10 KB Swings5 Roundsinto set 3 TC 7:3020…
Kipping/TTB Warm-Up With a PartnerPartner A: Row for CalsPartner B: 2 Turkish get ups, then switchUntil they have 100 cals Mobilität Shoulder and Hip Technik Practice Kipping and TTB1. Kipping2. High Kness3. TTB WOD AMRAP 20- Run 200 m- 15 Wall Balls- 5 Wall Walks…