Murph Warm-Up 3 Rounds: - 10 Squats into Knee Hug - 10 Walking Bupees - 10 Crunch Mobilität - 8 I-Raises - 8 Y-Raises - 2x5 Worlds Greatest Stretch Shoulder Mobi Technik Murph Scaling - Scaling Pull Ups (Ring Rows) - Scaling Push Ups (Elevated…
PullUps Warm-Up 1 Round - 50 Single Unders (for every failed Rep perform 1PushUp, 2 SitUps, 3 Squats as a Team at the Ende of the round) - 50 Single Unders (for every failed Rep perform 1Push Up, 2 Lunges, 3 Gold Mornings as a…
Pullups Warm-Up 3 Rounds - 5 Scapular Pull Ups - 5 Scapular Push Ups - 10 OHS Mobilität Lat Mobility Technik EMOM20 (30/30): - Jumping Pull Ups - Slamball Thruster - TRX Rows - Barbell Thruster Zwischenübung 1 Tabata Hollow Hold Superman WOD AMRAP 12…
Snatch Warm-Up 3 Rounds- 10 OHS- 10 Shoulder Dislocates- 10 world's greatest stretch Mobilität deep Squat progressionFußgelenk mobility Technik Overhead SquatSnatch Zwischenübung 1 E3MOM 21 building1 Snatch1 Hang Snatch1 OHS WOD 21-15-9 OHSPush Ups Cool Down Static Stretch Keine Kommentare on Workout 28.05.21 Schreib einen…
Snatch Warm-Up Animal Walks Mobilität im Warm-Up enthalten Technik Overhead SquatsDrop SnatchSnatch from hip height Zwischenübung 1 Tabata - sit ups WOD Ellen (TC20)Intermediate3 Rounds for time20 Burpees21 Alternating Dumbell Snatches (15/ 10 kg)12 Dumbell Thruster (2x15/10 kg)Beginner3 Rounds for time10 Burpees12 Alternating Dumbell Snatches…
Medball Clean Warm-Up 3 Rounds: - 10 Squats into Knee Hug - 10 Walking Bupees - 10 Crunch Mobilität - 8 I-Raises - 8 Y-Raises - 2x5 Worlds Greatest Stretch Shoulder mobility Technik Clean/MedBall Clean Zwischenübung 1 Tabata - max cal Assaultbike - Situps Zwischenübung…
Snatch Warm-Up SlamBallComplex 3-5 Runden 5 Deadlift5 SlamBall Cleans5 Front Squat5 Slamballs5 Push Ups Mobilität - 8 I-Raises- 8 Y-Raises- 2x5 Worlds Greatest Stretch Technik Snatch Grip DeadliftsSnatch Grip HighPullsSnatch Grip Press Behind The NeckOverhead SquatsDrop Snatch Snatch from hip height Zwischenübung 1 Tabata- Side…
Squat Warm-Up 5 Minuten SU Mobilität Deep Squat Progression Fußgelenk Mobi Technik Squat Varianten Zwischenübung 1 EMOM 21 (30/30) Zirkel: Goblet Squats Australian Pull Ups Flutter Kicks DB Snatch Russian Twist Max Cal Row Rest WOD AMRAP 15 10 burpees 20 lunges 30 Air Squats…
Squat Warm-Up 2 rounds: - 4 push ups - 8 walking burpees - 12 lunges - 8 squat nach unten, im deep squat bleiben, hände an Zehnspitzen, Gesäß hoch (stretch), Gesäß wieder runter, squat hoch - 4 inch worms Mobilität Deep Squat Progression Fußgelenk Mobi…
Squats Warm-Up 3 Rounds: - 10 Squats into Knee Hug - 10 Walking Bupees - 10 Crunch Mobilität Deep Squat Progression Fußgelenk Mobi Technik Overhead Squat Technik Zwischenübung 1 Bring Sally Up -AirSquat Zwischenübung 2 Tabata - Push Up WOD Black Jack (TC 20) -…