Thruster Warm-Up 2 Rounds - 10 Snatch Grip Deadlifts - 10 Snatch Grip HighPulls - 10 Snatch Grip Press Behind The Neck - 10 Overhead Lunges - 10 Overhead Squats Mobilität - Deep Squat Progression - Clean Rack Position Stretch Technik Muscle Clean + Push…
Front Squat Warm-Up 3 Rounds 4 TGU 6 Goblet Squats 8 burpees 10 Air Suqat Mobilität Deep Squat Progression Child Pose Technik Front Squat Technik E2MOM16 5 Front Squats (building) Zwischenübung 1 Tabata Hollow hold WOD Annie 50-40-30-20-10 Double unders (x3 für Single unders) Sit…
Knee Raises, Knees to Elbow, Toes to Bar Warm-Up 3 Rounds - 50 SU- 20 Heel taps- 10 Good Mornings- 5 Scapular Pull Ups Mobilität Shoulder mobility - shoulder dislocates- I - Raises Technik Technik (Strict & Kipping)Knee Raises,Knees to elbowToe to bar Zwischenübung 1…
Rope Climbs Warm-Up 2 rounds- 10 lunges- 10 inch worms- 10 single leg hip bridges each side- 10 push ups- 10 db rows Mobilität Shoulder dislocatesSchwimmerWorlds greatest stretch Technik Rope Climbs Zwischenübung 1 Tabataseated leg lift(einfacher: seated single-leg lift ) WOD 5 rds for time…
weightlifting Warm-Up 2 Rounds (40 s on/20s off) - row - Inch worm - Band pull apart Mobilität 3 Rounds 10x Wall facing squats Technik Overhead Squat - Find 3 RM Zwischenübung 1 E3MOM 15 - 15 Back Squat (20/15 kg) - 5 Shoulder Press…
Dumbbell snatch Warm-Up 3 Rounds Kettlebell Complex 10 Deadlifts 10 Goblet Squats 10 Swings 1 TGU each side Mobilität Shoulder mobility - shoulder dislocates - I - Raises hip mobility - squatting internal rotation - russian baby maker Technik Hanging knee-raises Dumbbell Snatch WOD AMRAP…
Kettlebell Clean & Jerk Warm-Up 3 Rounds20 Air squat15 push ups10 lunges5 Burpees Mobilität Handgelenk & Schulter Technik Kettlebell Clean & Jerk Zwischenübung 1 Tabata SquatLunge WOD AMRAP 153 KB Deadlift3 KB Clean3 KB Jerk3 Burpeeadd 3 reps every round Cool Down Static Stretch Keine…
Handstand Warm-Up 2 Rounds - 300 m Row - 10 m Bear Crawl - 10 m Crab Walk - 10 m Tiger Walk - 10 m inch worms Mobilität 1) Vor Box Knien; Hände mit Handfläche nach unten auf Box; Blick zum Boden; Schultern +…
Row Erg Warm-Up 2 Rounds - 10 m lunges - 10 m Bear Crawl - 10 walking burpees - 10 Air Squats - 10 inch worms Mobilität 2 rds - 5 Worlds greatest Stretch each side - 10 shoulder dislocates - 10 banded pull aparts…
Kipping Pullups Warm-Up Row2Target Competition 123m 5 rounds - Sum Diff as Burpee Mobilität 2 Rounds: - 8 I-Raises - 8 Y-Raises - 2x5 Worlds Greatest Stretch Technik Kipping Hollow/Arch - Auf dem Boden liegend - An der Stange mit Füßen auf Boden/Box - Kipping…