Rope Climbs Warm-Up 3 rounds10 Lunges10 walking Burpees10 Squats10 Inch Worms Mobilität Shoulder Hip flexor Technik EMOM 10odd) 2 Rope Climbseven) 20 Squats Zwischenübung 1 TabataBulgarian Split Squat WOD 21-15-9Calories Assault Bike/ RowErgPush Ups Cool Down Static Stretch Keine Kommentare on Workout 17.07.2021 Schreib einen…
Pull Ups Warm-Up 3 Rounds10 walk outs10 sit ups10 Burpees Mobilität Shoulder Core Technik EMOM 101-3 Pull ups pro minute Zwischenübung 1 Tabata hollowarch WOD AMRAP 2020 cal bike15 push ups10 alt. DB Snatch5 sit ups Cool Down Static Stretch Keine Kommentare on Workout 16.08.21…
Strict Press Warm-Up 3 rounds -200 m run -10 burpees then -15 m inch worm Mobilität -Shoulder Technik Strict Press 5 RM Zwischenübung 1 Tabata -Bird Dog Aber nur Hand und Fuß berühren den Boden, Knie ist also in der Luft WOD 5 rounds for…
Row Warm-Up 2 rounds -10 lunges -10 walking burpees -10 squats -10 inch worms Mobilität 2x5 Worlds Greatest Stretch Zwischenübung 1 Tabata Sit ups WOD For Time (TC35) Row 5 km with a partner Partner A: 5 Burpees + 10 lunges Partner B: max row…
Thruster Warm-Up 2 Rounds - 10 Clean Grip Deadlifts - 10 Clean Grip HighPulls - 10 Clean Grip Press - 10 Front Rack Lunges - 10 Front Squats Mobilität - Deep Squat Progression - Clean Rack Position Stretch Technik Thruster 5 RM (in 5-10 Sets)…
Handstand Warm-Up Animal Walks Mobilität 2 Rounds: 10 Scapular PullUps 10 Scapula PushUps 2x5 Worlds Greatest Stretch Technik Handstand Zwischenübung 1 EMOM 12 Odd 30Sek Handstand Even 30Sek Dead Hang WOD 5 Rounds for Time (TC 20 Min) 250m Row 20 Squats 15 Sit Ups…
Overhead Squat Warm-Up 3 rounds 20 Air squat 15 side steps 10 walk outs 5 burpees Mobilität Shoulder Hips fußgelenk Technik Emom 21 1) 7 Overhead Squats 2) 7 left side rotate plank 3) 7 right side rotate plank Zwischenübung 1 Tabata shoulder Tap WOD…
Row Warm-Up 5 Rounds: 5 Scapular Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 15 Air Squats Mobilität 2 Rounds: 10 Shoulder Dislocates 10 Banded Pull Aparts 2x5 Worlds Greatest Stretch Technik E3MOM 15 500m row WOD For Time: (22,5/15 KG) 50 DB Squats 40 DB lunges 30…
Back Squats Warm-Up Loaded Carries Mobilität 3 Rounds1 Slow TGU each side (10Sek up, 10Sek down)10 Slow Wall Facing Squats Technik Back Squat Zwischenübung 1 E3MOM 21 Backsquats5 BackSquats + 10 Dumbell Rows WOD 5 Rounds for Time (TC12)10 Deadlifts10 Burpee Cool Down Static Stretch…
Pistols and Skin the Cat Warm-Up Animal Walks Mobilität 3 Rounds 1 Slow TGU each side (10Sek up, 10Sek down) 10 Slow Wall Facing Squats Technik 8-12 Sets 1-3 Skin the Cat (scaling: Knees to elbows, Knee raises) 5-10 Pistols (scaling: box pistols, supported pistols,…