Snatch Warm-Up 3 Rounds10 Air Sqauts10 reverse Burpee10 mountain climber Mobilität ShoulderHips Technik Snatch TechnikPVC - low weight WOD 3 Rounds for time40 Wallballs20/15 cal row10 GtOH Cool Down Static Stretch Navigation Home kurse MedXFit Kontakt Über Uns Partner The CrossFIt Journal Impressum © Crossfit…
Pistols Warm-Up 2 rds: - 10 lunges - 10 push ups - 10 ring rows - 10 inch worms - 20 Single Unders Mobilität Ankle + Hips Technik Pistol Practice: Box Pistol Elevated Pistol Banded Pistol WOD 30-20-10 Box Step Ups with DB 22,5/15 Cal…
Man Maker Warm-Up 5 rds row to target (200/250 m): each round difference do the following exercices rd 1) Lunges rd 2) inch worms rd 3) DB Snatches rd 4) push ups rd 5) Schwimmer Mobilität Shoulder and Hip Technik EMOM12: odd: 1- 5 Man…
SU / DU Technik EMOM 10 20 on, 40 off SU / DU Practice Zwischenübung 1 EMOM 10 1-3 Man Maker WOD For Time 50 sit ups 40 push ups 30 single DB Clean 20 single DB Jerk 10 Burpee Box jump over 20 single…
Squats Technik EMOM 15 1) Front Squats (building) 5 RM 2) Single unders 40 3) 8 Burpees WOD 2 Sets 14-10-6 -cal Row -Box Step ups (27,5 kg) -Ring Push ups Rest 3 min btw sets Cool Down static stretch Navigation Home kurse MedXFit Kontakt…
Muscle Up Basics Warm-Up Buddy Workout KarenPartner A: Wall BallsPartner B: Plankuntil 150 accumulated WB Mobilität ShoulderWrists Technik EMOM 20Odd: 3-5 PullUpsEven: 3-5 declining Dips WOD For Time36 Devil Press24 Cal Row12 alt. Lungesas soon as Partner A finished Devil Press, Partner B starts with…
Handstand Warm-Up 2 rounds:- 10 walking Burpees- 20 single unders- 10 inch worms- 10 m bear crawl- 10 m crap walk Mobilität Shoulder and wrists Technik Progression:1) Wall Handstand2) Banded Handstand Balance ( Banded Handstand, Banded Handstand PushUp ( Zwischenübung 1 EMOM10beginner variation:3- 5 wall…
Deadlift Warm-Up 3 Rounds10 Single leg hip bridge left10 single leg hip bridge right10 Sit ups10 Burpees Mobilität HipForearms Technik DeadliftE2MOM 20built up to a 3 RM Zwischenübung 1 Tabata Hollow hold WOD Ellies pre Christmas TC2060 Burpees24 Deadlifts 70%12 Air squats24 Deadlifts 70%12 Air…
Power Clean Warm-Up 2 Rounds - 10 Clean Grip Deadlifts - 10 Clean Grip HighPulls - 10 Clean Grip Press - 10 Front Rack Lunges - 10 Front Squats Mobilität Hüfte + Schulter + Handgelenke Technik Power Clean Practice WOD 5 RFT* 12 Power Cleans…
Pull Up Warm-Up 2 Rounds: - 10 Bird dog - 10 walking burpees - 10 inch worms - 10 scalpular push ups - 10 scalpular pull ups Mobilität Shoulder Wrist Technik Pull Up Practice Zwischenübung 1 EMOM8 First 30 sec: 5 to 10 Pull Ups…