Workout 03.08.21

  • Beitrags-Autor:
  • Beitrags-Kategorie:MedXFit
Kettlebell Clean and Press

2km Row with partner
Partner A) Row
Partner B) 10 WallBall


2 Rounds:
10 Shoulder Dislocates
10 Banded Pull Aparts

2×5 Worlds Greatest Stretch


KB Clean and Press


2 Rounds of AMRAP 5 (Rest 2min between Rounds)
200m Row
then as many rounds as possible of
5 Burpees
10 Kettlebell Swings

Cool Down

Static Stretch

Crossfit Kokoro

military Crossfit Affiliate

© Crossfit Kokoro

Universität der Bundeswehr München

Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39,
85579 Neubiberg