Dumbbell Snatches Warm-Up 3 Rounds10 DB hamstring curls10 inch worm10 DB Jefferson Curl10 Bird Dog Mobilität The world greatest stretchPuppy dogforward fold Technik Dumbbell Snatches Zwischenübung 1 Tabata Side Plank WOD scaled Bert10 BurpeesLange seite Halle run20 push upsLange seite Halle run30 lungesLange seite Halle…
Pull-Ups Warm-Up 5 Rounds5 Squat into Knee Hug5 Walking Burpees4 Single Leg romanian DL each Leg with Slamball5 Slamball Thruster5 Walk out Mobilität Puppy dogForward Folddouble flat needle Technik EMOM 2012 Wall Balls6 negative Pull Ups3 Wall Walks10 Australian Pull Ups1 min Rest Zwischenübung 1…
Pull-Ups Warm-Up 5 Rounds5 Squat into Knee Hug5 Walking Burpees4 Single Leg romanian DL each Leg with Slamball5 Slamball Thruster5 Walk out Mobilität Shoulder:- Shoulder Dislocates- Crab WalkLower Body:- Russain Baby Maker Technik EMOM161) 5 - 10 Pull Ups / Jumping / Australian2) 30 sec.…
Pull-Ups Warm-Up SlamBallComplex 5 Runden 5 Deadlift5 Front Squat5 Shoulder2OH Mobilität - 8 I-Raises- 8 Y-Raises- 2x5 Worlds Greatest Stretch Technik SchwimmerHollow to Superman RollKipping TechnikScapular Pull Ups Zwischenübung 1 Tabata - Hollow hold- Superman hold Zwischenübung 2 Tabata - Hanging hold WOD Death by…
Pull-Ups Warm-Up SlamBallComplex 5 Runden 5 Deadlift5 SlamBall Cleans5 Front Squat5 Press5 SlamBalls Mobilität 2 Rounds- 8 I-Raises- 8 Y-Raises- 2x5 Worlds Greatest Stretch Technik EMOM 211) 5-10 Pull Ups / Jumping / Australian2) 5-10 Push Ups3) 5-10 Split Squats Zwischenübung 1 Tabata- Side Plank…
Pull-Ups Warm-Up 4 Rounds15 Jumping Jacks10 inch Worms5 Swimmer Mobilität Puppy dogForward Folddouble flat needle Technik EMOM 211. min: 3 Banded/Jumping/Negative- Pull up2. min: easy jog/ walk3. min: Australian Pull up Zwischenübung 1 TabataCrunchHip Bridge WOD AMRAP 5 10 Push ups20 walking Lunges30 SU /…
Row-Erg Warm-Up 100 SU 20 Heel Taps 100 SU 10 Walkouts Mobilität 2 Rounds: 30s deep Squat progression 5x The World's greatest stretch/side Technik EMOM 16 A: 10 Australian Pull Ups B: 12 DB Press C: 12 Cal Row D: 10 Thruster with PVC Zwischenübung…
Row-Erg Warm-Up Row to Target Spiel für mehrere Runden Differenz muss als Walking Burpees abgearbeitet werden Mobilität 2x5 Worlds greatest Stretch Shoulder Dislocates Banded Pull Aparts Technik RowErg Technik Schlagaufbau 20x Arme 20x Arme und Oberkörper 20x 1/4 Rollbahn 20x 2/4 Rollbahn 20x 3/4 Rollbahn…
Header Warm-Up Row2Target 1000m - every meter more = 1 burpee Mobilität 2 Rounds: 8 x I-raises 8 x Y-raises 2 x 5 Worlds Greatest Stretch Technik EMOM20 -30s Row Max Cals -3 Wall Walks -30s SU -15 TRX Rows -1 minute Rest WOD 21-15-9…
Row-Erg Warm-Up Row2Target Mobilität 2 Rounds - 8 I-Raises - 8 Y-Raises - 2x5 Worlds Greatest Stretch Technik RowErg Technik Zwischenübung 1 E2MOM 1. 60 Sek Row 2. 10 Dumbell Clean and Press 3. 2 Wall Walks WOD 21 - 15 - 9 Push Ups…