Dumbell Clean and Press Warm-Up Loaded Carries mit Dumbells (Farmers, Waiters, Suitcase, etc) Mobilität Ankle Pulses, Deep Squat Progression, World Greatest Stretch Technik Dumbell Clean and Press Zwischenübung 1 EMOM 181. 15 Dumbell Row2. 15 Sit Ups3. 10 Push Ups WOD Death by Dumbell Clean…
Dumbell Clean and Press Warm-Up 3 Rounds:- 10 Good Mornings- 10 Squats- 10 Slow Mountain Climber- 10 DB Row Mobilität Ankle PulsesWorlds greatest StretchHandgelenke Technik Dumbell Clean and Press Zwischenübung 1 E3MOM 213-5 times the following complex- 1 DB Power Clean- 2 DB Front Rack…
Dumbell Clean and Press Warm-Up Animal Walks Mobilität Walking world Greatest Stretch each sideShoulder Dislocates Technik - Hanging knee-raises- dumbbell hang clean and herks- rowing for Cal Zwischenübung 1 Bring Sally UpAir Squats Zwischenübung 2 Tabata- Superman pulse- Hollow pulse WOD CrossFit Open 18.1 scaledAMRAP…
Dumbell Clean and Press Warm-Up 50-50-50 Single Unders20-20-20 Sit Ups Mobilität DragonSumo SquatShoulder Dislocates Technik Dumbell Clean and Press Zwischenübung 1 Core Blaster30s straight leg sit ups30s heel taps30s hollow hold30s russian twist2 rounds with 1 minute rest WOD For Time:50 burpee box jump over…
Dumbell Clean and Press Warm-Up 2 Rounds:- 10 Good Mornings- 10 Schwimmer- 10 Squats- 10 push ups Mobilität Lizzardpuppy dogdouble flat needlesaddle archer Technik Dumbell Clean and Press Zwischenübung 1 TabataAir SquatSitup WOD 100m run / walk fast 33m50 Shoulder Taps100m run / walk fast…
Deadlift Warm-Up 2 Round10 lunges10 Sit ups10 Schwimmer10 push ups10 Air Squats Mobilität Hamstring stehend/liegendlizzardrussian baby maker Technik Technik DeadliftGrundpositionHüftwinkelÜberknieKniewinkelDeadlift Zwischenübung 1 TabataWall seatwall Angel WOD 30 MedBall Dl20 Burpees10 box Jumps5 wall walks10 Box jumps20 Burpees30 Medball Dl Cool Down just cool down Keine…
Onlinetraining Warm-Up 3 Rounds: - 10 Good Morning - 10 Arm Cycle each direction - 10 Odd Object row Mobilität 2 Rounds: 30 sec. Deep Squat Progression each side 5x World Greatest Stretch each side Technik Tabata - Side blank hold Zwischenübung 1 Technik -…
Deadlifts Warm-Up 2 Rounds: 10 Good Mornings 10 Squats into Side Bend 10 Arm Cycles each direction 10 Barbell oder Slamball Rows Mobilität Shoulder Dislocates Low Dragon Russian Baby Maker Technik Barbell Deadlift E3MOM24 6-10 Deadlift + 20 Dead Bug WOD AMRAP12 5 Push Ups…
Deadlifts Warm-Up 10 Perfect Turkish GetUps Each Side Mobilität 10 Perfect Turkish GetUps Each Side Technik Barbell Deadlift E3MOM30 6-10 Deadlift + 10 Kneeling One Arm Press WOD For Time TC 15Min 5 Wall Walks 10 Dumbell Snatches 5 Wall Walks 20 Dumbell Snatches 5…
Onlinetraining Warm-Up 3 Rounds: - 10 Squats into Knee Hug - 10 Walking Bupees - 10 Crunch Mobilität 2 Rounds: 30 sec. Deep Squat Progression each side 5x World Greatest Stretch each side Technik 1) Hollow hold to Superman hold 2) SitUp Unbroken (3 rounds)…